Becoming a Writing Coach

Lately, I have been going back and forth about what my ultimate career goals are, and I have finally decided! I am going to become a writing coach.

In hindsight, this is a long time coming. I’ve always enjoyed not only writing but helping other writers with their work. In college, I enjoyed the creative writing workshops for my classes more for providing constructive feedback to my peers than getting feedback on my own writing. I’m pretty sure I enjoy reading books about the craft of writing more than fiction (which I love), and when I teach, the best moments for me are when I go through the brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing stages of writing with my students.

So the first challenge of figuring out what the heck I want to do has been accomplished, now for the even bigger challenge: how on earth do I become a writing coach??

I already have a lot of experience with the elements of being a writing coach, but since I never worked solely as a writing coach, and there are not all that many places hiring for a role that specific, I need to first build a foundation. What’s more, I need to build a business.

As much as I can thrive in a professional setting, I have very little experience in business, especially when it comes to selling a product. So I have to figure that out and also learn more about the trade of publishing and coaching writers. There’s a lot for me to do, and I have decided to dedicate the next school year to learning all the ends and outs of being a writing coach and building my business.

What I hope to acheive after this next school year is to be able to step away from the classroom and be a full-time writing coach and indie author. So with so much to do in so little time, let’s get this party started!

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